What Causes a Root Canal Infection?

If you are suddenly experiencing extreme tooth sensitivity or toothache, you might have a root canal infection. If your dentist confirms a root canal infection, you will need a root canal treatment to eliminate the condition and save the infected tooth.

But contrary to popular belief, root canal treatment help you get rid of the pain and infection. Also, with the help of modern dentistry and technologies, root canal treatment has been made more comfortable and quicker.

But what causes a root canal infection? And can I prevent it? 

Here’s what you need to know. 

What is a Root Canal Infection? 

A root canal infection occurs when a tooth’s root canal or dental pulp gets exposed to harmful bacteria. 

Bacteria can seep into the roots of your tooth when your tooth experiences trauma, injury, cavities, or cracks. Poor oral hygiene may also result in a root canal infection, as the harmful bacteria residing in the plaque produce acids that dissolve the enamel. 

Once bacteria reach the dental pulp, they spread rapidly and lead to dental abscesses and gum infections. 

A root canal is an endodontic treatment to save a badly infected or damaged tooth. It eliminates bacteria as the infected dental pulp is removed and prevents reinfection. 

Symptoms of Root Canal Infection

Here are the symptoms. You may have a root canal infection.

  • Discolouration of the tooth.
  • Extreme sensitivity.
  • Severe toothache.
  • Bad breath.
  • Gum sores surround the infected tooth.

What Causes a Root Canal Infection?

The cause of a root canal might be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Tooth Decay

Tooth decay results from a combination of sugary foods and beverages to poor oral hygiene. When the tooth decay is left untreated, a cavity or hole forms in your tooth enamel and the decay reaches the dental pulp, after which harmful bacteria can infect the dental pulp easily.

  1. Not Taking Care of Your Oral Hygiene

If you don’t brush twice a day or floss daily, you are bound to experience various dental problems. The reason is that poor oral hygiene leads to the formation of plaque, where bacteria can reside and cause cavities. 

  1. Tooth Damage 

If your tooth gets cracked or damaged due to an injury or trauma to the mouth, bacteria can invade the dental pulp easily. It can also lead to tooth canal infection.

  1. Gum Disease

When considering what causes a root canal infection, gum disease or periodontitis is also an essential factor. It starts as inflammation or swelling of the gums but quickly spreads to the whole mouth. If gum disease reaches the dental pulp can lead to root canal infection.

  1. No Regular Dental Visits

Experts always recommend you go to the dentist for routine dental checkups at least twice a year. Regular dental visits allow your dentist to spot the symptoms of various dental conditions in the early stages and provide you with the necessary treatment. However, when you don’t visit your dentist regularly, the signs of root canal infection can go unnoticed. 

Tips to Prevent Root Canal Infection

  • Brush twice a day properly.
  • Floss daily. 
  • Use mouthwash. 
  • Visit your dentist regularly. 
  • Get regular dental cleanings.
  • Visit your dentist as soon as you notice any symptoms of root canal infection.

Root Canal Treatment in Pennant Hills, NSW, Australia

Hills Dental Design is a perfect choice if you’re looking for a good dentist in Winston Hills, NSW, Australia, with years of experience.

In situations where a tooth’s health is compromised, we offer insights into the optimal treatment path, whether it’s addressing issues through dental implants or effectively diagnosing and managing root canal infections. Their skilled dental experts not only identify early symptoms of various dental problems but also recommend the appropriate interventions, such as dental implants or root canal treatments, tailored to the patient’s specific needs.

Call us today to book your appointment.

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