What Is Bone Grafting For Dental Implants?

To qualify for dental implant treatment, your jawbone density must be strong enough to support the implant if this is the choice of treatment to replace missing teeth. Your bone won’t be able to support the implant if it is too weak or soft.

Dental implants are surgically injected into the jawbone beneath the gum. A metal cylinder that is inserted into the jawbone and secured with an abutment completes the process. The abutment is then covered with a prosthetic crown placed on top.

Your jawbone is essential for your mouth to operate properly and for your teeth to line up properly. If the jawbone isn’t robust enough, the implant won’t work. 

Luckily, if you’re still considering dental implant treatment yet your jawbone isn’t strong enough to withstand it, then bone grafting for dental implants is an optional choice of treatment that can help build the density your implant needs.

What Is Bone Grafting For Dental Implants?

Through a bone tissue transplant, bone grafting is a surgical treatment that rebuilds your bone density. By replacing lost tissue, the transplant aims to mend fractured bones, increase density, and improve the health and strength of the bone.

The grafting material is inserted into the socket to support the tooth root. Collagen and proteins, two components of the substance that encourage the development of new bone, are present.

What Are The Benefits Of Bone Grafting For Dental Implants?

Procedures for bone grafting assist in replacing your missing bone. Restoring your bone’s density and strength, especially if you’re missing a tooth, is one of the main prerequisites for bone grafting. This is crucial, especially if you want to use a dental implant to close the gap left by a lost tooth.

So, what are the benefits?

Maintains Facial Structure

The jaw and face bones support the muscles that maintain a strong aesthetic look. Your facial structure will degrade if your jawbone does. This implies that you’ll experience tooth loss and ageing symptoms.

Supports Mouth Functioning

Suppose you have a dental implant or are considering getting one. In that case, the main advantage is that a strong jawbone will maintain the implant firmly in place, allowing your mouth to operate normally, just as it would with natural teeth.

Low Force On Neighbouring Teeth

Your neighbouring teeth may move positions because of a gap left by a tooth extraction or tooth loss, which may alter the formation of your facial bones. Bone grafting will ensure that your teeth stay in their normal positions, especially if you’ve had a tooth extracted.

A Painless Process

Patients should expect to be sedated for the duration of the surgery, which should result in minimal to no discomfort when completing bone grafting treatment.

What Happens After Treatment?

The dentist will give you antibiotics when the procedure is finished to reduce the risk of infection. For any sensitivity, you could also be given medicine. Once the bone material has been inserted, the wound will be repaired.

For at least one to two days, avoid touching the wound. Maintain good oral hygiene by rinsing your mouth with salt water, keeping food particles out of your mouth, and brushing your teeth twice a day. However, be cautious around any areas that have been injured.

You are prepared for a dental implant once treatment is complete and you’ve recuperated.

What Causes Weak Bone Density?

There are many reasons for weak bone density, and it’s important to be aware of this.

  • Bone recession owing to a knocked-out tooth or tooth extraction treatment
  • Denture patients wearing dentures for the long-term result in a weaker bone
  • A weak bone structure due to suffering from periodontal disease
  • Suffering from trauma
  • Bone infection

If you require bone grafting surgery to support a dental implant, then you must be aware of the ins and outs of the treatment. The dentist will likely perform pre-examinations and uncover how strong or weak your bone is before putting you forward for dental implant treatment.

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