Dental Veneer treatment is a popular choice of cosmetic treatment particular for your celebrities and idols. Find out how and why right here.
Celebrities and idols that you see on TV or in public are always showing off their beaming bright smiles. You could also get that Hollywood look with Dental Veneer treatment. Dental Veneer treatment is a popular choice of treatment that’s particularly beneficial if you suffer from chipped or cracked teeth, discoloration and a degrading appearance. If this is something that interests you, read on below.
What Are Dental Veneers?
Dental Veneers are thin-shaped porcelain material placed over the surface of your front teeth. This is to improve the look of your smile. The veneer fits at the front to deliver aesthetically pleasing, natural-looking results. When you smile, the veneers will be unnoticeable. This is because you have the opportunity to shade the veneer. This is so your teeth resemble the color of your natural teeth.
Whilst there are a variety of materials available for fitted veneers, porcelain is the most popular due to its proven long-lasting results. The best thing about porcelain is that the functioning of your mouth is not affected and your speech and biting abilities will still be intact.
What Are The Benefits Of Dental Veneers?
Not only do Dental Veneers deliver that Hollywood smile, but there are also many health-related benefits which you probably don’t know about. Veneers aren’t just focused on the aesthetic look but are focused on promoting the overall health of your teeth. We break this down with 5 key benefits Dental Veneers deliver:
- Immediate Results – You don’t need to wait for results to develop. Once veneers are fitted, they are permanent, and so are the results. There is no recovery care needed. The aesthetic looks you’re looking for will arrive immediately.
- No Adjustments To The Structure Of Your Teeth – A thin-layer of enamel will need to be removed from your tooth so there is room to place the Veneers on the tooth surface. You can expect that your natural teeth will remain in place and no changes are needed to the structure. If, however, your current teeth are misaligned and crooked, this may require further treatment.
- The Care Plan Is Simple – As long as you look after your porcelain veneers as you would with your natural teeth, then the veneers will look after you. Keep brushing and flossing twice a day and limit plaque and tartar build-up. You should also seek regular check-ups with the dentist.
- Veneers Counter Discoloration – You don’t need to keep your favorite foods in the cupboards! Veneers keep the white shining through on your teeth and it’s difficult for veneers to attract dark stains from dark solids and liquids. Whilst it’s recommended that dark solids and liquids should be moderately consumed, no strict food diets are necessary.
- It Resolves All Of Your Cosmetic Issues – Whether you have misshapen teeth, crooked teeth, gaps and chips, and discoloration, veneers are well placed to resolve all of these issues to make way for a straight and shiny smile.
For more information on the foods to avoid with fitted veneers, click here to find out.
Are Veneers Worth It?
There are no doubts dental veneers deliver long-lasting shiny teeth. More and more patients are now finding solace in resolving those niggling cosmetic issues with dental veneers. It will deliver that Hollywood smile you’ve always wanted and restores your hidden confidence.
If you need immediate assistance, contact Hills Dental Design immediately and book your appointment with us now. Click here to book!